Welcome to the month of AUGUST. Some Astrology news for all you Astrology lovers.


FULL MOON in AQUARIUS – August 3rd 2020 at 4.59 pm BST at 11 degrees of Aquarius.

NEW MOON in LEO – August 19th 2020 at 3.42 am BST at 26 degrees of Leo.

Planetary activity throughout AUGUST 2020:-

The SUN moves from LEO to VIRGO on August 22/23, depending on your location.

MERCURY, the planet of communication, moves from Cancer into LEO, on August 5th, and then on into VIRGO on August 20th.

VENUS, ruling love, relationships, money and values, moves from Gemini to CANCER on August 8th 2020, and remains in Cancer throughout August.

MARS remains in ARIES throughout August, and will be in Aries for longer than usual, due to the long retrograde this year. It will stay in Aries until January 6th 2021.

JUPITER continues travelling retrograde in Capricorn, from 20 to 17 degrees of Capricorn throughout August.

SATURN is coming to the end of its journey in Capricorn, and will move into Aquarius in December 2020. It will be travelling retrograde also, from 27 to 25 degrees of Capricorn throughout August.

URANUS, goes Retrograde at 10 degrees of TAURUS on August 15th and will remain around 10 degrees throughout August. Uranus will be spending quite a lot of time at 10 degrees, retrograding back and forth, so anyone with planets at 10 degrees of TAURUS, or any of the other Fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio will also feel the effects of this transit. Uranus brings sudden changes and upheaval, and can also bring sudden insights and revelations!

NEPTUNE is travelling in retrograde motion also, moving from 20 to 19 degrees. of PISCES. Neptune has been sitting at 20 degrees for a while, and will affecting anybody with planets or angles at this degree. It is a very slow moving planet, so the effects happen over a long period. Neptune has a dissolving quality, and people experiencing a transit may feel as if everything is out of their control, things could be happening that they can do nothing about etc., It is also an opportune time to deepen your connection with spirit and engage regularly in meditation practices, and any type of creative activity that you feel drawn to.

PLUTO is travelling retrograde also through Capricorn, moving from 23 to 22 degrees throughout August. Another very slow moving planet, and impacting those with planets at these degrees.

Throughout August there will be 5 planets Retrograde, and Chiron in Aries also went retrograde in July. With a lot of Retrograde energy, we have the opportunity to re-do, re-visit, -re-organise, re-structure etc., The energies tend to be more inward focused, which gives us an opportunity to review our lives and make any changes we may feel guided to make, as we travel forward on our journey.

Wishing you all a great August.

Until next time,


Ruth x

Author: ReadingsWithRuth

I offer Readings to help you on your path. I use Astrology, Tarot, Oracle decks and Numerology, along with psychic guidance. A reading with me can bring clarity and insight to your life issues. I can use one or a combination of these tools for your reading.

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