

Welcome to the lovely month of APRIL. Happy Birthday to all the Aries and Taurus people out there.

Here are the NEW AND FULL MOONS and other planetary activity for this month.

NEW MOON AND SOLAR ECLIPSE at 19 degrees of ARIES on April 8th 2024 at 6.16 pm GMT.

FULL MOON IN SCORPIO at 4 degrees on April 23rd 2024 at 11.49 pm GMT.

The SUN enters TAURUS on April 19th 2024.

MERCURY goes RETROGRADE on APRIL 2nd at 27 degrees of ARIES, and goes Direct at 15 degrees of ARIES on April 25th 2024.

VENUS enters ARIES on APRIL 5th and moves on into TAURUS on APRIL 29th 2024.

MARS moves from 7 to 29 degrees of PISCES throughout the month.

JUPITER moves from 17 to 24 degrees of TAURUS throughout the month.

JUPITER WILL CONJUNCT URANUS AT 21 degrees of TAURUS ♉️ from April 19th to 21st. This is a major connection, especially for people with planets or angles around 21 degrees of TAURUS, bringing unexpected luck possibly. I see this as a very positive connection.

SATURN moves from 13 to 16 degrees of PISCES throughout the month.

URANUS moves from 20 to 22 degrees of TAURUS throughout the month.

NEPTUNE moves from 27 to 28 degrees of PISCES throughout the month.

PLUTO moves from 1 to 2 degrees of AQUARIUS throughout the month.

CHIRON moves from 18 to 20 degrees of ARIES throughout the month.

Please connect with me if you want to learn more about your Astrology Blueprint, which is a great self development and self empowerment tool.

Until May,


Ruth x



The FULL MOON in CANCER falls on December 27th 2023 at 12.33 am at 4 degrees of CANCER.

When the Full Moon is in Cancer, family, home and roots may be issues that surface to be looked at. You may be feeling homesick if you live away from home. It is a nice time to celebrate family in whatever form that takes around this time, as it is coming up to the New Year also, so celebrating all the people you consider to be family in your life. Also, releasing anyone or anything that is longer feeling part of your family is recommended, as the Full Moon is a time for releasing along with celebrating.

Release the old to make way for the new, especially on this Full Moon, as it is so close to the end of the year.

The next New Moon will be on January 11th at 20 degrees of Capricorn.


Until next time,

Ruth x



The FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS falls at 13 degrees 18 on June 4th 2023 at 4.42 am GMT and June 3rd in some parts of the world.

Sagittarius is generally known for being an upbeat sign, being ruled by jovial Jupiter! Energies may feel quite buoyant on this full moon.

Sagittarius is ruled by the biggest planet, JUPITER, and Jupiter is currently in Taurus with the North Node of the Moon. This Full Moon may shed some light on current issues relating to finances, self-worth, values etc., Jupiter and the North Node in Taurus are the apex in a T-Square configuration between Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in late Cancer. Looking at things from a different perspective may help. Issues may come up to be resolved in relationships during this time. Look at this as an opportunity for healing unresolved issues.

The FULL MOON in SAGITTARIUS is in one of the houses in your chart, so identify where it is and focus on letting go of anything that is holding you back there. You might like to do a releasing ceremony by writing it all down and then burning it safely.

Sagittarius is a Fire sign, so lighting candles and fires may help to connect more with the energies now.

Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius.

Until next time,


Ruth x



The Sun enters the Fire sign of ARIES on the Spring Equinox which is on March 20th 2022 at 15.33 pm GMT.

Aries brings the Spring, and some Mars energy with it. ‘Spring into Action’ comes to mind. We all feel a bit more alive after the long Winter with the onset of Spring. We see signs of life in the new growth of the flowers and leaves on the trees. Spending more time out in nature going forward will lift your energy.

Are you an Aries Sun sign, or have you any other planets or angles in this sign? Aries people, or people with Mars strong in their chart are very active, get ahead types who like to be doing things and are great at taking charge.

Aries is a FIRE sign, and if you have the Sun in Aries, look to see where the planet MARS is in your chart, as this will add another layer to your self expression. For instance someone with Sun in Aries, and Mars in Libra, will have a totally different energy to someone with Sun in Aries and Mars in Scorpio!

Some key words for Aries are: Action, assertiveness, passionate, energetic, initiate, courage, self-focus.

During the time the Sun is in Aries, it will occupy a specific house in your natal chart. Check it out and see which area of your life is being energised by this powerful energy right now.

Until next time,


Ruth x


DAILY GUIDANCE – Spirit Messages

OCTOBER 24th 2018



We have many Blessings in our lives to be grateful for.

Take some time today to count your blessings.  You will be amazed at how many things there are in your life that bring you happiness.

While life may not always run smoothly, we must always remember to be aware of all the people and things in our lives that bring us joy and happiness.







DAILY GUIDANCE – Spirit Messages

MAY 26th 2018




Is there something you need help with in your life?

Remember that your Angels are always available to assist you.

Just thinking of them will bring them closer.

Light a candle to make a connection.

Writing down your concerns on paper will help you to clarify what you need help with.

Thank the Angels for their ongoing support.

Have Faith, and Trust that your situation is being resolved for your highest good.

AFFIRMATIONS:  “My Angels are supporting me at all times”

“I thank my Angels for their help”

“I feel confident, knowing that my Angels are with me”








April begins with the Sun in the Cardinal Fire sign of ARIES, the symbol on the left, and then it moves into the Fixed Earth sign of TAURUS, the symbol on the right, on April 20th.

Mercury goes Direct on April 15th!

Mercury is going direct in a couple of weeks, on April 15th at 4 degrees of Aries.  Just before the next New Moon.  Sigh of relief for all you people who are not too fond of this time, which can cause problems for most of us.  You might like to mark you calendar, in case you are making any significant purchases, or travel arrangements etc.,  Best to just be aware of it, and not let it take over your life, lol.

Other planetary activity this month.


NEW MOON  in Cardinal Fire sign of ARIES on APRIL 16th at 1.57 am BST @ 26 degrees.  I will be writing about this nearer to the time.  It will be an interesting New Moon as the planet URANUS will have a strong impact, as it will be conjunct(beside) both the sun and moon.  This will provide a powerful opportunity for setting intentions for change and awakening, and beginning something unique and unusual.  

Venus is in Earthy Taurus until 25th when it then moves into Airy Gemini

Mars is in Earthy Capricorn, and then moves from 8 degrees to 23 degrees of Capricorn throughout the month. Mars is close to Saturn in Capricorn for the first half of April, so a great time for focused energy, although you may also feel like you are driving with your foot on the brakes at times, as Saturn can slow Mars down!

Jupiter is still retrograde in Watery Scorpio, and starts at 22 degrees and moves to 19 degrees by end of the month.

Saturn is going RETROGRADE in Earthy Capricorn at 9 degrees on April 18th, and will go Direct again on September 6th at 2 degrees.

Uranus is going from 27 degrees of Fiery Aries to 29 degrees of Aries and moving into Earthy Taurus on May 16th.  Uranus spends approx 7 years in each sign, so this will be a major shift!  Moving from FIRE to EARTH energy. There will be a separate post about URANUS moving into Taurus.

Neptune will be 14 degrees of Watery Pisces going to 15 by end of the month.

Pluto will be at 21 degrees of Earthy Capricorn and going RETROGRADE on April 22nd.

Chiron will be at 29 degrees of the Mutable, Water sign of Pisces, and will be moving into the Cardinal, Fire sign of Aries on 17th April, where it will stay for a number of years. This is another major shift, as the Wounded Healer ‘Chiron’ shifts into the Fiery Warrior energy of Aries.  The symbol for Chiron, pictured below, shows the image of a key, and the placement of Chiron in your chart can symbolize your deepest wound, and also how you can heal.  ‘The Key to your healing.’


The outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are slow moving and so they can be in retrograde periods for a while and lots of people are born with these outer planets in retrograde.  This can indicate that the energies of these outer planets can tend to be expressed more inwardly.  All these outer planets are spending quite a bit of time in retrograde motion throughout this year.

The next FULL MOON is on APRIL 30th at 1.58 am BST at 9 degrees of Scorpio.

Until next time,





PLUTO, the planet of Transformation and Change is going Retrograde at 2 degrees of AQUARIUS on MAY 2nd 2024. It will then continue going Retrograde and go back into Capricorn on September 2nd for the last time. It will go DIRECT again on October 11th 2024 and continue moving forward, entering AQUARIUS on November 19th 2024 permanently, and remaining there for the next 20 years.

Pluto is a very slow moving planet, it has been in Capricorn since 2008, so this is a welcome change, especially for all us Capricorns who have had major transformations in our lives over the past few years! All Aquarians will experience Pluto in some shape or form over the coming years. This will also apply to people with the Moon, or Rising Sign, or other personal planets or Angles in Aquarius.

Some people feel that this is the real beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Pluto entering Aquarius! There is definitely a lot of change and upheaval being experienced by a lot of people on the planet at this time. Aquarius is the associated with ‘Awakening’ so let’s hope the next 20 years brings more Peace, Love and Understanding.

Until next time,


Ruth x


Welcome to the beautiful month of MAY and Bealtaine. Happy Birthday🎂 to all you Taurus♉ and Gemini ♊people who have birthdays at this time.

Here are the NEW AND FULL MOONS for MAY along with other Planetary Activity at this time.

NEW MOON IN TAURUS at 18 degrees on May 8th 2024 at 3.22 am GMT.

FULL MOON IN SAGITTARIUS at 2 degrees on May 23rd 2024 at 1.53 pm GMT.

The SUN enters GEMINI on MAY 20th 2024.

MERCURY enters TAURUS on MAY 15th 2024.

VENUS enters GEMINI on MAY 23rd 2024.

MARS continues travelling through Aries, moving from zero to 23 degrees throughout the month.


SATURN moves from 16 to 18 degrees of PISCES throughout the month.

URANUS moves from 22 to 24 degrees of TAURUS throughout the month.

NEPTUNE moves from 28 to 29 degrees of PISCES throughout the month.

PLUTO goes RETROGRADE at 2 degrees on May 2nd and continues moving Retrograde throughout the month, ending at 1 degree of AQUARIUS.

CHIRON moves from 20 to 22 degrees of ARIES throughout the month.

The NORTH NODE OF THE MOON moves from 15 to 14 degrees of ARIES.


Ruth x


MARS, the planet of ACTION, moves into its own sign ARIES on April 30th 2024.

Mars is happy in Aries, a Fire planet in a Fire sign. Plenty of activity going on here. People born with this placement are great initiators and love to take charge of projects and are born Leaders. They can tend to be a bit domineering and bossy, but this all depends on the rest of their birth chart.

These people are good to have around as they are usually fearless and love a challenge and are great to have in your corner when you may be going through a difficult time, as they can help you to get motivated. They have to be busy and love to have something to focus on, not so good at pondering the wonders of the universe, unless they are actually flying into space!

Mars in your chart reveals how you express your energy, what sign and house it is in tells a lot. It also shows your style, along with Venus in Relationships. Venus and Mars are the Relationship planets. Please get in touch if you want to learn more about your own Astrology Blueprint which is a great tool for self development and self empowerment.

You can connect with me at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x


VENUS moves into the Earth sign of TAURUS on APRIL 29th 2024.

Taurus is ruled by Venus, so Venus is very comfortable in Taurus. Venus rules relationships and love and where it is in your chart will tell you a lot about this area of your life.

People with this placement love luxury, and the finer things in life. They love food, fine jewellery and clothes etc., They have an appreciation for beautiful art and usually have a strong connection with Mother Earth also, as Venus in Taurus is an Earthy Venus, the are usually very connected to the sensual side of life, enjoying being touched and massages. Physical intimacy is a must for this sign.

Please get in touch if you want to learn more about your Astrology Blueprint, it is a great tool for self development and self empowerment. When you know where your own Venus is located in your birth chart, it will give you insights into your relationship style. This is invaluable when looking for a suitable partner, it is so important that both people are on the same page.

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about your Astrology Blueprint, it is a great tool for self development and self empowerment.

You can connect with me at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x

Mars conjunct Neptune in Pisces

On April 28th 2024, Mars and Neptune will be together(conjunct) in the sign of PISCES. Energies(Mars) will be merged with Neptune which will bring a lot of creative energy, and opportunities to express this in some format.

Pisces is the sign associated with Spirituality and the unconscious mind. This is an excellent time to meditate, paint, write, and to create something other worldly. You may find that your energies are directed to these areas. For people born with Mars in Pisces, Neptune connecting with your Mars can bring a feeling of blurred boundaries, and sometimes a lack of focus. Best to channel the energy into some type of creative outlet, but be mindful of escapist tendencies at this time, as Pisces and the ruler Neptune are associated with escapism also, especially when there may be difficult things going on that need to be addressed!

If you have any planets at the end degrees of Pisces then you will certainly feel this, it may cause some feelings of confusion! If you have any planets or angles at the end degrees of any of the Water signs, then this can bring in some opportunities for things to flow in the right direction.

Please get in touch if you would like to find out more about your own Astrology Blueprint. It is a great tool for self development and self empowerment. You can connect with me at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x


MERCURY, the planet of communication is going DIRECT on APRIL 25th 2024. This frees up our concerns over miscommunication issues and delays while travelling, signing documents and making significant purchases.

Time to forge ahead with any type of communications that you may have stalled during the Retrograde phase.

Until next time,


Ruth x


ARCHANGEL JEREMIEL and the FULL MOON 🌝 IN SCORPIO ♏ on April 23rd 2024.

Archangel Jeremiel is the angel associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio. You may like to connect with this angel through meditation or calling him in to guide you at this time.

Archangel Jeremiel is the Angel of Hope, who supports your visions and dreams, though not always in the way you expect!

Challenges help us to learn and grow. Archangel Jeremiel helps you to clear out old beliefs and ego blocks and to forgive others. As you let go of the past, you can embrace new possibilities.

Archangel Jeremel vibrates on a deep purple-amethyst colour, and when you are ready, he will bring you blessings to inspire and motivate you, enabling your transitions to be more harmonious. Call him in if you need help learning from your problems. It may feel that it is time to go in a new direction, and he can help you to identify the best way forward.

On this Full Moon in Scorpio, look at any challenges you are facing as opportunities for growth and decide what you need to learn from them.

Ask Archangel Jeremiel to enfold you in his deep purple-amethyst light to transmute your old ego limitations. Be open to his inspiration and messages of hope. Trust that any challenges you are experiencing have been orchestrated for your growth and are an important part of your life path. 

Archangel Jeremiel’s message is that sometimes the quickest way forward is to trust and hand over your challenges to spirit.


Ruth 💜


The NUMEROLOGY for the FULL MOON IN SCORPIO on April 23rd 2024 totals the numbers 17/8 with 8 being the main number, which is the STRENGTH card in the Major Arcana in the Tarot. The other card is number 17, which is the STAR card in the Major Arcana in the Tarot.

The Strength card is associated with the sign of LEO, and with vigour and courage, determination and fearlessness. In the image the woman appears to be able to tame the lion. Lions are a symbol of strength, so this may indicate that there may be a need for inner strength in relation to some area of your life at this time. The FULL MOON IN SCORPIO is also very powerful, and indicates intense emotions. 

Be mindful on this Full Moon of these strong energies.

The other card being the STAR in the Major Arcana of the Tarot is a beautiful card associated with the sign of Aquarius. It is literally an opportunity to wish upon a star, bringing a renewed sense of faith and hope. A very positive energy here and you may be feeling inspired and that the universe is sending you blessings.

Using the tools of Meditation, Visualization and journaling with both of these cards on this Full Moon in Scorpio may help to shine a light on anything that you want to release and also to help you to see just how far you have come on your journey. 

Looking at the cards, where are your eyes drawn to? Is there a message here for you?


Ruth x


The FULL MOON in SCORPIO falls on April 23rd 2024 at 4 degrees at 11.49 pm GMT.

Scorpio is the sign associated most with letting go and releasing, which is also what the Full Moon energies are associated with, so a double opportunity to release and let go of anything/anyone that is no longer feeling part of your journey.

At the time of this Full Moon in Scorpio, Pluto, which is the planet that rules Scorpio is making a t-square configuration(squaring both the sun and moon). This gives even more emphasis to this Scorpio energy. A powerful time to do some deep healing and if you are working on anything that requires investigating, this is a good time for it.

If you have any planets at around 4 degrees of any of the fixed signs, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius(Pluto will be at 2 degrees on this Full Moon), and Leo, then it is likely to have more impact for you. If the energies become too intense, take time out and keep away from drama!


Until next time,

Ruth x


The planets JUPITER and URANUS will both be at 21 degrees of TAURUS from 19th to 21st April 2024. Also on April 24th/25th they will be exact at 22 degrees of Taurus. These two planets are travelling together throughout April and most of May, but are exact on the dates mentioned.

This conjunction is especially significant for people with any planets or angles at or around 21/22 degrees of Taurus, or any of the other fixed signs, being Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. Jupiter brings luck, expansion and is generally a positive transit, along with Uranus, which is the planet of Awakening and change, sudden unexpected events may occur, which could bring positive experiences, even lucky for some!

Check where you have Taurus in your natal chart to see which area of your life(house) in your own chart is going to experience this positive transit.

Please get in touch if you want to learn more about your own natal Astrology Blueprint at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x


Happy Birthday to all the Taurus people out there. May the next 12 months bring you lots of good fortune and abundance and good health.

The SUN enters the EARTH sign of TAURUS on April 19th 2024. Taurus is ruled by the planet VENUS, so people born at this time can learn more about themselves by looking at where Venus is placed in their birth chart.

Taurus energy is associated with feeling grounded, connected to nature and loving food and the finer things in life. It is a sensual sign, so physical contact is something that is important for anyone with Taurus Sun, or other planets in Taurus.

All people with the Sun in Taurus have or will be experiencing a lot of change because the planet URANUS has been moving through Taurus for some time now, and will continue to do so until 2025/26. It has been here since May 2018. Taurus is a Fixed sign and is not too fond of change, but anything that is happening is for the best and keeping grounded through the changes is the best way to hang on to your hat through these changing times.

Please get in touch if you want to find out more about your own Astrology Blueprint, as it is a great tool for self development and self empowerment. You can connect with me at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x


NEW MOON IN ARIES ♈ with ARCHANGEL ARIEL on April 8th 2024

ARCHANGEL ARIEL rules the sign of Aries, so you can connect with this Archangel on the New Moon in Aries to help you to set goals and intentions for the coming month. Ariel inspires you to be strong and courageous. Ariel is a Warrior of Light and protects you from harm. If you feel drawn to stand up for your beliefs at this time, you will be an inspiration to others, giving them the courage to also stand up for their own beliefs and principles.

By connecting with Archangel Ariel, you may notice more images of lions or lionesses, and this is spirit’s way of letting you know that Ariel is around you, giving you courage and strength that you might need at this time.

Ariel’s name means ‘Lioness of God’ as she reflects the qualities of the Lion, including bravery, courage, focus and strength.

This Archangel is one to call on to boost your confidence and your courage, and on the New Moon in Aries, this is just what you need to activate your intentions and goals.


Ruth 🩷


The NUMEROLOGY for this NEW MOON in ARIES totals the numbers 20/2, with 2 being the main number. This is the HIGH PRIESTESS in the Major Arcana in the Tarot. The other number 20 is the JUDGEMENT card in the Major Arcana.

This NEW MOON is in the Fire sign of Aries, which is ruled by the planet MARS, which is a male energy. The numerology brings the final number for this date to number 2, which is the High Priestess, which is ruled by the MOON, which is feminine energy. This brings a nice balance to this New Moon of Male and Female energies. Working with the feminine energies of the High Priestess to bring something to life with the masculine energy of Aries.

This card also suggests that you trust your intuition and go within to tune in when setting your goals and intentions at this time. Doing this will bring better results down the road, rather than rushing head long into something with regrets later. Trust your intuition and what feelings are coming up when new opportunities may arise, and reflect before moving forward.

Card number 20, the Judgement Card in the Major Arcana is associated with light bulb moments, revelations, and a time of awakening, where you may suddenly feel a sense of purpose and direction is made clearer. 

Working with both cards using the tools of meditation, visualization and journaling during the New Moon in Aries may help to inspire you and enable you to reflect before setting your intentions and goals for the lunar month ahead. 


Ruth x


The NEW MOON and SOLAR ECLIPSE in ARIES falls on April 8th 2024 at 19 degrees at 6.21 pm GMT.

Chiron, the wounded healer, is at the same degree as this New Moon, bringing an opportunity for deep healing of the wounded male energies. A time to set healing intentions for self-empowerment and assertion. Aries is ruled by MARS, and this suggests this NEW MOON, along with the New Moon in Capricorn at the beginning of the year are most aligned with New beginnings and starting something new.

This New Moon occurs after the Spring Equinox in March, bringing a fresh new energy into focus. Decide what you want to manifest in your life, and set down plans and goals and intentions to start this new beginning, in whatever form it takes.

What house is Aries occupying in your natal birth chart? This is the area of activity where your energies will be focused for this new beginning.

There is an opportunity for a lot of healing at this time, with Chiron in the mix, old wounds may also come to the surface to be healed, so it would be a good idea to work with your healing tools, or seek out a healer who can help you. You may like to find some crystals and create a crystal grid for healing. Call in Archangel Raphael to guide you through this time, so that whatever needs healing will be healed, giving you the freedom to move forward fearlessly and create your new beginning. Aries is the sign of new beginnings and taking action.

The next FULL MOON falls on April 23rd at 4 degrees of Scorpio.

New Moon Blessings,

Ruth x


VENUS, the planet ruling LOVE and RELATIONSHIPS is entering the Fire sign of ARIES on April 5th 2024.

Venus is Fiery and Passionate in Aries and you may need a lot of stamina to keep up with this Venus style!

Venus in Aries like to take charge usually when female, when male, he may like the female to dominate. Have you got Venus in Aries, what is your relationship style? This is an action oriented Venus, so no chilling out for too long here lol. They enjoy being active and going on adventures!

Venus will remain in Aries until April 29th when it moves into Taurus, a much more laid back energy.

Please get in touch if you want to learn more about your own Astrology Blueprint, it is a great tool for self development and self empowerment. You can connect with me at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x


MERCURY usually goes Retrograde 3 times every year. This is the First Retrograde period in 2024. It begins on April 2nd and ends on May 16th.

As I always say, don’t stress about this. Instead, be mindful of allowing extra time when travelling in case of delays, when signing important documents, read all the small print. Also, when making any significant purchases, try to do it during a time when Mercury isn’t retrograde, as there may be issues with the purchase.

Take this Mercury Retrograde time to Re-do, Re-organize and Re-structure your environment.

Until next time,


Ruth x



ARCHANGEL JOPHIEL is associated with the zodiac sign of LIBRA. LIBRA is ruled by Venus and rules relationships, beauty, peace, balance and harmony. You may like to connect with this angel when the Moon is Full in LIBRA to help you to release any energies that need to go in connection with Libra themes.

Archangel Jophiel is known as the Angel of Wisdom, and appears as a pale yellow glowing light.💛He helps to awaken the Crown Chakra. 

Wisdom means gathering information, and applying it for the highest good. Call in Archangel Jophiel to help you raise your frequency so that you can act or advise from a wise perspective. When you have strong connections with this angel, you are in a position to impart helpful or sacred knowledge to others also.

If you are having any difficulties in relationships, calling in Jophiel can help to shed some light and clear the path ahead.

You may like to meditate with this Angel and open up to receive guidance which can help you at this time. Keeping a New and Full Moon diary will enable you to see how the angels have helped you throughout the year.

Image from Diana Cooper’s Archangel Oracle deck.


Ruth 🩷


The NUMBEROLOGY of the Full Moon in Libra on March 25th 2024 totals 18/9. The number 9 in the Tarot is the Hermit card in the Major Arcana, and the number 18 is the MOON card. The Hermit is the main card as the numbers total to 9, but the Moon card is also important.

The HERMIT card is associated with wisdom and reflection and being introspective, looking for answers. It indicates a time for you to go inward and by doing this, you may receive guidance from your higher self. 

The number 9 is associated with endings, perhaps the end of a cycle, which will bring a new cycle going forward. 

The MOON being the other card, number 18, is also a reflective card, so this Full Moon in Libra is very much a reflective time. The Full Moon may shine a light on what may be bothering you, or help you to see your next steps, and this is also reflected in the Hermit card, with the Hermit carrying a Lantern to show him the way. 

You may like to use the tools of meditation, visualization and journaling to help you to identify what you need to release at the time of this full moon. Putting the cards in a place where you can see them will help you to connect with their energies until the next New Moon in Aries on April 8th 2024, which is also a Solar Eclipse.

Libra is associated with relationships, so that may be an area that needs to be looked at during this Full Moon!




The FULL MOON IN LIBRA is also a LUNAR ECLIPSE, falling at 5 degrees at 8.11 am GMT on March 25th 2024.

Lunar Eclipses are associated more with endings, usually fated or karmic, so watch out for this especially with regards to relationships, with Libra being the sign the Moon is in now. Something may be coming to an end that has fulfilled its purpose in your life, it may be a relationship, or it may be something else.

Another option is to write down everything that may be bothering you about a relationship, get it all out on paper, and then either burn it or tear it up and release it.

If you have any planets or angles around 5 degrees of Libra, you will experience this lunar eclipse more strongly.

Also, remember to leave your crystals out in the light of the Full Moon for cleansing.

Until next time,


Ruth x


MARS, the Action planet will enter the Water sign of PISCES on March 22nd 2024.

One way to see this is to think of the Spiritual Warrior. People born with this placement are very connected spiritually and it is a very creative place for Mars to express itself. Psychic and sometimes mediumship abilities are strong here. It is great for actors, musicians, and also people in the caring professions who give a lot of their time and energy to looking after and helping others.

Pisces is also a dreamy sign, and can be prone to fantasy and needs to be mindful of this, although a great imagination is a bonus if there is inclination to write, or create in some way.

Mars will remain in Pisces until April 30th, when it then moves into the sign that it rules, Aries. Take some time during this period to bring your dreams into reality.

Until next time,


Ruth x

SUN enters ARIES and we welcome the SPRING EQUINOX

The SUN enters ARIES on March 20th 2024, which is also the SPRING EQUINOX in the Northern Hemisphere.

This is a lovely time of the year, when all the trees and plants are beginning to grow again after the long cold months of Winter. Signs of new life are everywhere and it is a time of growth and abundance. The length of day and night is equal, bringing more light after the long evenings of Winter.

Happy Birthday to all you people out there born with the Sun in Aries.

People born with the SUN in ARIES are usually energetic and passionate. This Fire sign loves to initiate new things, it is a Cardinal(action)sign and is ruled by the planet MARS, so Action is its natural expression. Are you an Aries, or do you know many people born with the Sun in Aries? They are usually great fun and full of life. They may have a habit of starting things but maybe not always finishing them! They usually have a positive attitude to life also and are quite enthusiastic about everything, this does depend on the rest of the chart though!

Physical activity and fitness may be high on their priority list, being the sign that has Mars as its ruler. This also applies to someone with a strong Mars in their birth chart.

Please get in touch if you want to learn more about your own Astrology Blueprint, which is a great self development and self empowerment tool.

You can connect with me at soulstar.ruth@gmail.com.

Until next time,


Ruth x